The Best Leg Workouts for Women: Sculpt, Strengthen & Tone

the best leg workouts for women

Welcome to another article in my series, “The Best Workouts on YouTube,” where I find the best workouts for specific body parts, equipment, and time constraints.

Today, we’re diving into the best leg workouts available online! Whether you’re looking to tone, strengthen, or build power, I’ve listed a variety of workouts sorted into categories:

No-Equipment Leg Workouts – Perfect for bodyweight training anywhere
Dumbbell Leg Workouts – Add resistance and challenge your muscles
Kettlebell Leg Workouts – Dynamic moves for strength and endurance
Calisthenics Leg Workouts – Master leg strength with your body weight
Machine-Based Leg Workouts – Maximize your gym sessions

To make it even easier, these leg workouts are listed from shortest to longest, so you can pick the perfect one based on your schedule and available equipment.

 And if you’re looking to target your glutes, I’ve linked a list of glute workouts for women.

The Best Leg Workouts With No Equipment

These workouts are with no equipment, but if you feel that you are getting stronger or just want a bit more burn, you can add resistance bands, ankle weights, or dumbells to make the workouts even more challenging. 

10- 15 minute workouts

20 minute workouts

30 minute workouts

The Best Dumbbell Leg Workouts

10- 15 minute workouts

20 minute workouts

30 minute workouts

40- 45 minute Leg workouts

If you like workout videos with warm-ups and cool-downs, you will love both videos listed in this section. 

The Best Kettlebell Leg Workouts

30 minute workouts



The Best Calisthenics Leg Workouts




The Best Leg Workouts With Machines

If you have tested all leg workouts at home and you are ready to hit the gym for your leg day, I recommend watching these three videos before you go to make sure you understand the correct technique. 




I hope you found this leg workout list helpful and enjoyed the exercise. Like with any exercise, make sure to stay hydrated and listen to your body. You can save this article on your phone so you always have it at hand. 

Let me know if you want me to create another list of exercises. 


Barefoot Basil provides health, fitness, and wellness information for educational purposes only. This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

By following any workouts featured in this article, you are exercising at your own risk. Always use proper form, listen to your body, and seek guidance from a certified fitness professional. Barefoot Basil is not responsible for any injuries or health issues following these exercises.

Stay safe, and enjoy your workout!

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Silvija Meilunaite PN1-NC, is a certified nutrition coach and a writer in the nutrition and self-improvement field with a passion for exploring science-based knowledge focusing on holistic health and plant-based nutrition.
Featured in the Wellness on Time magazine.

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