I have not eaten meat for over three years and have had a primarily plant-based diet for almost a year. Honestly, my diet is not fully plant-based; I would say it is 98%. It mainly consists of whole plants (vegetables, leafy greens, fruit, seeds, nuts, beans and legumes), with minimal refined or processed foods like white bread or oil. I do not eat any highly processed plant-based meat substitutes or use plant protein powders. I do not count calories or regulate my food portions; I am more mindful of what I eat.
I tried to cross-check and see if other people experience the same and if science can prove the benefits of a plant based diet I am experiencing.
Here are 10 benefits of a plant based diet that I have noticed :
I have been suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) since I was five years old but only got officially diagnosed with IBS when I was in my late 20s.
The symptoms varied, but I would have at least one of two IBS flareups a month, sometimes so painful that I could not stand on my feet. However, within months of eliminating meat and significantly reducing dairy and eggs, my symptoms improved dramatically. I only had 2 IBS faire ups in 3 years since not eating meat.
Eating a diet rich in fibre from whole, plant-based foods is beneficial for maintaining a healthy gut and enhancing good bacterial growth (1)(2).
Every person who follows a whole-food, plant-based diet, as well as science (3), will confirm this. You spend more money on toilet paper when eating a plant-based diet and will never be constipated. Yet again, fibre is the hero. I suggest introducing more fibre gradually. Think of your microbiome as a muscle; it needs a gentle increase to improve growth without unwanted side effects.
One more benefit of a plant-based diet is an improvement in energy levels. I want to exercise more, and I can do it for longer. Don’t get me wrong, I sometimes still struggle with motivation, but I generally feel healthy and energetic. There were points in my life when washing dishes or walking a dog seemed a challenging task with no motivation or energy. I love moving around, and I love days when I don’t stop and spend less time on the sofa.
A few years ago, I noticed a small amount of weight creeping up each year. I always had a healthy BMI but always had a bit of stubborn fat around my waistline. Not eating meat did not impact my weight too much. I have only noticed changes after eliminating eggs and cheese and have started to be more conscious about using too much saturated fat, reducing cooking oils and minimising vegan butter or cheese. I am the lightest and most toned I have been in 5 years without counting calories or watching portions. (5)
Many things and stressors have changed in my life, so I can’t tell if my improved moods are mainly affected by the food I eat or if it is a combination of various lifestyle changes. We all have ups and downs, but I am much happier and more appreciative of life. I also think I am becoming a better person in general. Studies of plant-based diets on mood disorders confirm this.
“A healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and protein, is associated with decreased mood disorders risk, while a Western diet pattern increases it.”(6)
I noticed some unexpected benefits of plant based diet. Plants, who knew? This point was confirmed in the documentaries I watched recently, “THE GAME CHANGERS” and “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT: A TWIN EXPERIMENT.”
Here is an interesting snippet about the subject on YouTube; you can read the comments underneath the video at your own risk 😭.
I don’t remember the last time I had a cold or flu, and I don’t even get a sore throat or runny nose. Even if I catch a virus, I will not feel great for one day and will be fine the next. Stronger immune system is one benefit that everyone on a plant based diet will notice.
“Adults who adhere to diets high in any plant foods, as well as healthy plant foods, have a lower risk of hospitalization with infections.” (7)
I have suffered from Perioral Dermatitis since my teen years. Sometimes, it would flair up so much that I would have to be prescribed antibiotics. It came back recently due to hormonal and water changes, but It is way more manageable. The rest of my skin feels more plump and youthful.
“A WFPB diet maximizes the antioxidant potential within our cells by providing essential vitamins, including vitamins A, C, and E. It also helps to eliminate harmful carcinogens and gerontotoxins within our bloodstream and has been shown to lengthen telomeres, which prevents cellular damage. ”(8)
Beyond personal health, the knowledge that plant based diet is contributing to a more sustainable and humane world brings pride and satisfaction. It’s a feeling that resonates deeply within the plant-based community, highlighting this lifestyle’s environmental and ethical benefits.
Contrary to the assumption that eating healthily is expensive, my experience has been the opposite. The shift to legumes, grains, and seasonal produce has noticeably reduced my food expenses, debunking myths and highlighting the budget-friendly nature of a plant-based diet.
Digging Deeper:
Plant-based living is more than just a diet change; it’s a holistic lifestyle overhaul that has improved my sleep quality, reduced inflammation, and decreased the risk of chronic diseases.
It wasn’t an overnight thing. I didn’t just wake up one day, munch on a spinach leaf, and felt all the benefits of the plant based diet . It’s been a journey. Slowly swapping out meats for beans, reducing the amount of fish I eat, and snacking on fruits and nuts instead of cheese. There were bumps along the way. On some days, I missed a good stake or got tired of eating chickpea curry every other day.
But then, you start noticing the benefits of plant based diet . Like waking up and actually feeling awake. Or your jeans fit a bit looser. Or making it through flu season without getting ill. And you think, this is good; this is something I want to keep doing.
A plant based diet is a way of living :
Eating plants is not just a fad diet or a quick fix. It’s about giving your body what it needs to do its thing. And it’s not like I’m living on some mountaintop, meditating with the goats. I’m just a regular person who tried something different and felt a lot better for it.
If you’re thinking about trying plant-based diet, Go for it. Start small. Swap a meal here and there for something plant-based. See how you feel. There’s no one-size-fits-all, and it’s not about being perfect. It’s about finding what works for you, feeling good, and making the world slightly better while you’re at it.
If you need support or are looking for plant-based tips, I’ve got you covered. If I can make this change, you can, too!
Don’t know where to start? read these articles to help you start your plant based lifestyle journey :
Simple tips to help you eat less meat
Simple tips to help you eat less dairy and eggs
Jeffery, I.B.; O’Toole, P.W. Diet-Microbiota Interactions and Their Implications for Healthy Living. Nutrients 2013, 5, 234-252. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu5010234
Chiba, M.; Morita, N. Incorporation of Plant-Based Diet Surpasses Current Standards in Therapeutic Outcomes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Metabolites 2023, 13, 332. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo13030332
Chiba M, Tsuda S, Tozawa H. Efficacy of a Plant-based Diet (Semi-lacto-ovo-vegetarian Diet) for Treating Constipation. Recent Progress in Nutrition 2022;2(2):012; doi:10.21926/rpn.2202012. https://www.lidsen.com/journals/rpn/rpn-02-02-012
Kahleova, H., Fleeman, R., Hlozkova, A. et al. A plant-based diet in overweight individuals in a 16-week randomized clinical trial: metabolic benefits of plant protein. Nutr & Diabetes 8, 58 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41387-018-0067-4
Lais B Martins, Jenneffer Rayane Braga Tibães, Marsal Sanches, Felice Jacka, Michael Berk & Antônio L Teixeira (2021) Nutrition-based interventions for mood disorders, Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 21:3, 303-315, DOI: 10.1080/14737175.2021.1881482
Abstract P214: Plant-based Diets And Risk Of Hospitalization With Respiratory Infection: Results From The Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) Study
Karla Kendrick, Hyunju Kim, Rebholz Casey, Elizabeth Selvin, Lyn Steffen and Stephen P Juraschek
Originally published7 Apr 2022https://doi.org/10.1161/circ.145.suppl_1.P214Circulation. 2022;145:AP214
Solway, Jason et al. “Diet and Dermatology: The Role of a Whole-food, Plant-based Diet in Preventing and Reversing Skin Aging-A Review.” The Journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology 13 5 (2020): 38-43 .
Silvija Meilunaite PN1-NC, is a certified nutrition coach and a writer in the nutrition and self-improvement field with a passion for exploring science-based knowledge focusing on holistic health and plant-based nutrition.
Featured in the Wellness on Time magazine.
- S. Meilunaitehttps://barefootbasil.com/author/silvootegmail-com/
- S. Meilunaitehttps://barefootbasil.com/author/silvootegmail-com/
- S. Meilunaitehttps://barefootbasil.com/author/silvootegmail-com/
- S. Meilunaitehttps://barefootbasil.com/author/silvootegmail-com/