How to Stay Positive When the World Feels Overwhelming

How to Stay Positive
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Lately, it feels like the world has become crazier than ever. 

Climate change is no longer a distant threat, it is happening. Wars, political divides, and the rise of aggressive ideologies seem to be ravaging every continent. Burnout from working crazy hours, fear of new technology, and the widening inequality gap are constant sources of stress. News, something that is meant to inform, often just leaves us anxious, fearful, and hopeless. 

I’ve felt it too. In my homeland Lithuania, the looming presence of Russia has made peace feel uncertain. It’s not easy to stay grounded when your sense of security is constantly being challenged. And don’t get me started on pressures on women, especially as we age.  But over time, I’ve found a few practices that help me stay emotionally steady, even when things feel chaotic.

So, how to stay positive during these difficult times? Here’s what’s helped me, and what might help you too.

1. Notice What Drains You

You can’t change what you don’t notice. One of the most powerful habits I’ve adopted is simply tracking what makes me feel low. I keep a journal on my phone and note down moments that trigger negative emotions.

Did scrolling social media make you feel envious or behind in life? Did a certain friend leave you feeling judged or small? Did your job, once again, leave you dreading Monday before Sunday even ends?

Awareness is the first step. Once you’ve identified what’s draining your energy, you can begin to slowly reduce its impact. You don’t have to reset your mindset and change your life in one week. Just start with one thing at a time. 

2. Limit What You Take In

Our brains weren’t built to process constant global crisis. Before the internet, most of us only got local news once a day, or even just on weekends. Now we know what’s happening everywhere, all the time. And most of it? It’s bad. Because fear grabs attention.

That doesn’t mean you should tune out completely. But you can be more intentional. Ask yourself:
Which news sources actually inform me, and which just leave me anxious or drained?

Unfollow the ones that make you feel stressed. Choose one or two reputable sources, and stick only to them. You don’t need to read the news every day. I’ve started reading it just once or twice a week. If something truly urgent happens, you will hear about it from your friends and family.

When I am in need of some good news and reminders of the good side of humanity I refer to this list: The Best Feel-good Instagram Accounts That Will Inspire You. 

Also (this may sound small, but it makes a difference) stop starting your day with melancholic music. Music sets the tone. If you start your morning with sad breakup songs, your brain stays in that emotional space. Choose something that lifts or calms you instead.

3. Focus on What You Can Control

It’s easy to feel helpless when the world feels like it’s on fire, well it kinda is now. But the truth is: that we were never in control of everything external. What we can do is focus on our own lives.

Ask yourself:
What’s within my reach right now?

Can you take a course that gives you more career flexibility? Learn a calming technique like meditation or breathwork. Change your daily routine to include more meaningful moments. Volunteer in your local shelter. Donate your time or money to help others. 

Small changes add up. Shifting your focus inward isn’t selfish, it’s how you build resilience and create change.

4. Reduce Comparison and Noise

Social media is only showing the good side of everyone’s life, and we all know that. But knowing it doesn’t always protect us from the emotional struggle that it causes us. When we’re constantly seeing everyone’s “perfect lives”, it’s natural to feel like we’re falling behind.

Before social media, we only knew about the lives of the people closest to us. Now we know what influencers in Bali are eating for breakfast. That’s not normal!

When I notice myself mindlessly scrolling or starting to compare, I delete the social media apps, sometimes for a few days, sometimes longer. It helps me reset and reconnect with my life.

You don’t have to disappear forever. Just take space when you need it.

5. Appreciate the Small Things

One of the simplest, most life-changing habits is practicing gratitude. Every morning, I write down three things I’m thankful for. It rewires the brain to notice beauty and appreciate what I have instead of focusing, on what I lack.

This could be a warm cup of tea. A kind text. A walk through the forest. A laugh shared with someone you love. There are so many beautiful things in our lives that we take for granted. 

Joy isn’t always in the big events and milestones. It’s in the little, daily moments if you slow down enough to see them.

good vibes

6. Surround Yourself with Good Energy

We absorb the energy around us. If your closest friends constantly complain, dwell on fear, or belittle your dreams, it becomes much harder to stay optimistic.

That doesn’t mean abandoning the people you love. But it does mean being honest:
Do your relationships uplift you, or drain you?

Over the years, I’ve learned that not all friendships are meant to last forever. We grow. Sometimes in different directions. And that’s okay. As someone wise in my life once said, “Sometimes love from a distance is still love.”

Seek out people who make you feel seen, hopeful, and excited about life. And if you can’t find them in person right away, look for them in books, podcasts, or online communities. The energy you surround yourself with matters.

7. Accept That Everything Changes

One of the most difficult lessons, and also the most freeing, is that nothing stays the same. Not the good times, not the bad. Not the peace, not the chaos.

Buddhist teachings remind us that attachment creates suffering. We cling to comfort, relationships, and routines, and when change comes (as it always does), we struggle.

But if we expect life to change, we suffer less. We become more adaptable. We stop trying to grip onto a false sense of control.

Every chapter ends eventually. But new ones begin too. The more we can accept this, the more at peace we become. It is not easy, but so important.

If you want to learn more about Buddhist teachings, read: The wisdom you can learn from Buddhist monks. 

Final Thought On How To Stay Positive: Do What You Can, Then Let Go

The world may feel overwhelming. But you are not powerless.

Pick one issue that deeply matters to you—and take one small action. If you care about the planet, eat less meat. If you love animals, volunteer at a shelter. If war and injustice move you, support refugees or donate your skills.

It doesn’t have to be big to be meaningful.

I became mostly plant-based because I love animals—and even though it started small, it’s one of the things I’m proudest of. Every act of kindness matters. Every bit of energy you invest in healing—yourself or the world—counts.

Protect your energy. Focus on your inner world. Take small steps toward change.

And remember: even in the chaos, there is beauty. There is kindness. There is hope. You just have to look for it, most of the time beyond your screen, sometimes within yourself.

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Silvija Meilunaite PN1-NC, is a certified nutrition coach and a writer in the nutrition and self-improvement field with a passion for exploring science-based knowledge focusing on holistic health and plant-based nutrition.
Featured in the Wellness on Time magazine.

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